SynconsultSYNCONSULT S.L. is a consulting company that extends its activities to planning, previous studies, detailed design, technical assistance in expropriation management and supervision of civil and environmental works.

SYNCONSULT S.L. leadership awareness of the need to establish a system to ensure product quality, environment respect and continuous improvement, defines its General Policy on the following points:

  • 1. Get the full satisfaction of our customers, external and internal, through a high quality of our products and services and a high respect for the environment of our activities.

  • 2. Comply with current legislation on Environmental and Quality, as well as applicable regulations and other requirements, and product specifications, which are request for our customers or that the organization subscribes.

  • 3. Carry out periodic assessments of the impacts of our installations and products on the environment, in order to minimize them, and the deviations observed in the quality of products supplied to our customers within our constant spirit of continuous improvement.

  • 4. Set Objectives and Goals for improving product quality, prevent pollution and optimize consumption of natural resources.

  • 5. Encouraged at all organizational levels the continuous training of its employees on quality and environmental issues, in order to involve all staff in the development of continuous improvement which from SYNCONSULT SL leadership is reflected in this Policy.

  • 6.SYNCONSULT SL leadership made public the General Policy, undertakes to spread it among all its employees, customers and suppliers, and puts it available to any interested party.

  • The SYNCONSULT S.L. objectives and goals will be reviewed regularly as well as this policy to adapt them to new needs and circumstances of the moment.

    The purpose of this General Policy is to get to maximum company competitiveness in its sector and achieve the leadership in all our activities.

    For compliance, the company has the human and material resources necessary for the development of this General Policy.


Nowadays SYNCONSULT S.L. has a Quality Management System based on UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 STANDARD and has the related attesting certificates for carrying out Civil Engineering Feasibility and Detailed Design, as well as for Construction Supervision.

As part of the policy of environmental friendliness SYNCONSULT S.L. holds the Environmental Certificate that accredits him as a company that fulfills the requirements of UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004 STANDARD, incorporating in its activity materials recycling, reduced energy consumption...