SYNCONSULT, SL Management Board, invites the members to the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in Madrid, at the registered office, 30 Orense St, on May 10, 2012 at 10:00, according to the following:
1. Review and approval, if necessary, of the Annual Accounts (memory, Balance, Profit and Loss Account and Statement of Changes in Equity) for the year 2011.
2. Approval, if applicable, the distribution of profit proposal.
3. Approval, if applicable, the administration of the Management Board.
4. Reduction of excess Legal Reserve to Voluntary Reserve, for the corresponding amount, due to the reduction of capital made by the society, in order to stay in 20% of the current Social Capital.
5. Amendment of Article 8 of the Articles of Association by changing the way of notification of the General Meeting.
6. Requests and questions
7. Delegation to the Board Secretary for the execution and implementation of the resolutions adopted.
Members may examine at the registered office of the Company the documents to be submitted for Board approval, and obtain from society, immediately and free, such documents in accordance with Article 86 of Law of Limited Liability Companies.
Also as indicated in Article 49 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies, members are reminded of their right to be represented at convoked General Meeting.
In Madrid April 19th, 2012 – Management Board Secretary