For over two decades in Spain has been developing an extensive railway High Speed Lines network, in order to communicate the different populations and economic activity, either directly, either by connections or by substantially shortening travel times.


An important part of the work of Synconsult S.L., involves the design of various sections of platform High Speed Lines, among which It should be noted those belonging to the lines: Madrid – Zaragoza – Barcelona – Frontera Francesa; Madrid – Castilla la Mancha – Comunidad Valenciana – Región de Murcia; Madrid – Extremadura; Vitoria – Bilbao / San Sebastián y Córdoba – Málaga.


The layout of the sections that have been designed passes through varied orography and in some cases of special difficulty, consider requiring a succession of tunnels and viaducts to adjust the slope of the infrastructure to the precise conditions for High Speed. 


Geometric characteristics (radius, slopes, banks...), functional and comfortable features specific to a high performance infrastructure has been provided for the various sections designed, minimizing environmental effect and controlling the sound and vibration levels.