Preparation of the II International Course " Programming and evaluating of road networks investments", promoted by the General Management of Roads and the World Bank.

Year: 1996


Preparation of a case-study for the International Highway Course held in Madrid in June 1995, using road maintenance and financing HDM-III model, on real data from Madrid Community network.

Year: 1995


Detailed design: Canasmoro Dam for Guadalquivir upper basin agricultural development (Tarija).

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1995
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Detailed design: Sella Dam for Guadalquivir upper basin agricultural development (Tarija).

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1995
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Guadalquivir upper basin Hygraulic Master Plan. Main Report.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1988
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Project: Guadalquivir upper basin agricultural development.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Irrigated Agricultural Development (Aguayrenda).

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Surface water resources determination Study in Guadalquivir upper basin.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Dams alternatives Survey in Guadalquivir upper basin.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Erosion and sedimentation survey in Guadalquivir upper basin.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Network channels alternatives study in Guadalquivir upper basin.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1987
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Charco Sur water resources Prefeasibility study.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1986
Client: Tarija Development Corporation


Selection and optimization of hydraulic system alternatives in Guadalquivir upper basin.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1985
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Feasibility study: Guadalquivir upper basin agricultural development.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1984
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Feasibility study: Guadalquivir upper basin agricultural development.

Country: Bolivia
Year: 1984
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Feasibility Study of a new international airport in Nepal

Year: 1984
Client: General Management of Civil Aviation


Velasco Rural Development Project. Water resources report.

Country: Cuba
Year: 1983
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Project of Santa Clara dam and reservoir. Preparation report drafting.

Country: Cuba
Year: 1983
Client: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


Small hydro power plants installation.

Country: Dominican Republic
Year: 1983
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Technical and economic analysis. Payabo reservoir. Rockfill filter dam for flood control.

Country: Dominican Republic
Year: 1982
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Master Plan for Suriname hydraulic resources development.

Country: Surinam
Year: 1982
Client: Surinam Government


Running Optimization of Rincon and Hatillo dams. Report Writing.

Country: Dominican Republic
Year: 1982
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Planning Report revission. Project irrigation area of East Jeriza.

Country: Iraq
Year: 1982
Client: Iraq Government


Preliminary Study on the Feasibility of a continuous communication Europe - Africa across the Gibraltar Strait.

Year: 1982
Client: Seceg, S.A.


Operational strategy study: Hydrological systems of the Eastern Cibao Region. Country: Dominican Republic

Year: 1980
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Alternatives Selection Report: Hydrological systems of the Eastern Cibao Region.

Country: Dominican Republic
Year: 1980
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Analysis hydropower potential of rivers Amina, Mao and Guayubin the upper basin. Country: Dominican Republic

Year: 1980
Client: Dominican Republic Government


Interim Report Management and synthesis. Project irrigation area of East Jeriza.

Country: Iraq
Year: 1980
Client: Iraq Government


Feasibility Study: Hydrological systems alternatives of Chongon dam.

Country: Ecuador
Year: 1980
Client: Study Commission for the Development of the Guayas Basin in Ecuador


Preliminary draft: Chongon reservoir.

Country: Ecuador
Year: 1979
Client: Study Commission for the Development of the Guayas Basin in Ecuador


Operation overall strategy study. Hydrological systems of the Eastern Cibao Region.

Country: Dominican Republic
Year: 1979
Client: Dominican Republic Government