Expropriation file: N-234 from Sagunto to Burgos. P.K. 63,650 to 83,500. Section: L.P. Castellón - Sarrión. Province of Teruel. Key: 12-TE-2750, TP-501/97
Date: 2005
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
Expropriation file: Mediterranean Highway. N-340 from Cadiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona. Section: Carchuna - Castell de Ferro. Code: 12-GR-3650.
Date: 2004
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
Consultancy and Assistance for the Management of Expropriation Procedures in the Demarcation of State Roads in Western Andalusia (File: P 7/03).
Date: 2003
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
Consultancy and Assistance for the Management of Expropriation Procedures in the Demarcation of State Roads in Western Andalusia (File: 6/99).
Date: 1998
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
Expropriation file: Rías Bajas Highway N-525 from Zamora to Santiago de Compostela. P.K. 178 - 210. Section: Estivadas - Alto de Allariz. Key: T2OR 30/10, ATP.884/92.
Date: 1995
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
CN-432 from Badajoz to Granada. Upgrading from K.P. 2.5 to 20.0 and from K.P. 25.0 to 40.5. Section: Badajoz - La Albuera (North) - La Albuera (South) - Santa Marta.
Date: 1990
Client: Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism. General Directorate of Roads
Plot Plan Study and Individualized List of Assets and Rights Affected by the Madrid - Toledo Highway in the N-401 section.
Date: 1985
Client: Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism. General Directorate of Roads
Stakeout, parceling and expropriation management of the OU-533 road. Section: La Gudiña - Viana del Bollo (20 km).
Date: 1984
Client: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Ordenación del Territorio y Obras Públicas (Department of Territorial Planning and Public Works)
Stakeout, parceling and expropriation management of the LU-540 road (15 km). Section: Villalba - Vivero (T.M. Muras).
Date: 1984
Client: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Ordenación del Territorio y Obras Públicas.
Stakeout, parceling and expropriation management of the LU-861 road (19 km). Section: Villalba - Vivero (T.M. Xermade).
Date: 1984
Client: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Ordenación del Territorio y Obras Públicas.
Stakeout, parceling and expropriation management of the E-70 highway (15 km). Section: Villalba to L.P. de La Coruña.
Date: 1984
Client: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Ordenación del Territorio y Obras Públicas.
Layout, parceling and expropriation management of the OU-536 road (30 km). Section: Esgos - Castro Caldelas.
Date: 1984
Client: Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Ordenación del Territorio y Obras Públicas.