Synconsult S.L. has proved a constant effort to update and develop all aspects focused on solving the problems of water and hydraulic works, both planning and management including, of course, the detailed development of specific designs and the work involved construction supervision.
The importance of water in human and social development justifies a broad multidisciplinary and solvent approach to establish temporary strategies in their use which are typical of planning studies. In this respect the economic feasibility studies, planning and audit on hydrological, hydraulic, water resources, floods, droughts, dam safety… aspects that Synconsult. S.L. has made, are basic components of his professional background.
The work related with hydrological planning such as obtaining the Basic Documentation for Basin Management and Hydrological Plans design both Basin (Guadalquivir Basin) and National (Participation in National Hydrological Plan Report design), are part of the company history highlights. In addition, in hydraulic works management, and especially, in telematics application, Synconsult SL has been pioneer in projects such as the implementation of the Automatic Hydrological Information System (S.A.I.H.) in Júcar Basin. This application prevents flood phenomena and facilitates shared management of available water resources. Furthermore, Synconsult S.L. undertook for several years the system operation, and the development of the applications required to facilitate water resources daily monitoring and also in extreme situation and initiate those required mechanisms for floods early warning.
Dams Operational Guidelines have also been prepared for Tajo, Duero and Guadalquivir Basins.
On the other hand, collecting the sector professionals and the Consultant technicians experience, Synconsult SL has prepared "The Hydraulic Works General Technical Specification Document" (PTGOH).
Internationally, Synconsult S.L. has participated in contracts such as "Implementation of a Geographic Information System in Watershed Management Office" in Dominican Republic Hydraulic Resources National Institute or in the "Guadalquivir River Upper Basin Hydraulic Master Plan Design (Bolivia)", commissioned by Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.).
Of course, are also part of the business experience, not least, works that can be considered conventional, such as dam projects, river channeling, channels, pipelines, water supplies, sanitation, irrigations... Through the intervention in sections of the Segura River channelling SynconsultS.L. was awarded with the Accesit International Prize Puente de Alcantara in 1994.