Detailed design services: Variant layout of the N-120 between the km points 655 to 667.

Section: Porriño – Vigo. Key: 12-PO-4240.

Province: Pontevedra
Year: In redaction
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design services: Motorway A-14, Lleida – French border. Section: Alcampell Road

(Tamarite) A-1240 - Purroy de la Solana. Key: 12-HU-6170.

Province: Huesca
Year: In redaction
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Alignment and detailed design: Adjustment connection of the N-340 with the North Port

Access of Algeciras bay. Key: 41-CA-4220.

Province: Cádiz
Year: In redaction
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: South Motorway A-4 From Madrid to Cádiz. Duplicatión of N-IV, Km.P. 558,500 to Km.P. 566,500.

Section: Dos Hermanas – Los Palacios y Villafranca. Key: 11-SE-4720.

Province: Sevilla
Year: 2009
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: SE-40 Mortorway, Sector North - Northwest.

Section: La Rinconada (North Access) – La Rinconada (A-4). Key: 48-SE-4590.

Province: Sevilla
Year: 2007
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: SE-40 Motorway East Sector. Section: Alcalá de Guadaira (A-376) - Dos Hermanas (A-4). Key: 48-SE-4470.

Province: Sevilla
Year: 2007
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Alaigment and detailed design: Motorway Levante – Aragón – Somport. N-234, from Sagunto to Burgos.

Km.P. 63,650 to Km.P. 83,500. Section: Castellón and Teruel province limit – Sarrión. Key: 12-TE-2750.

Province: Teruel
Year: 2005
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: Mediterráneo Motorway. N-340 from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona.

Section: Carchuna - Castell de Ferro. Key: 12-GR-3650.

Province: Granada
Year: 2004
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Feasability and detailed design: New highway CM-3911. Section: Don Fadrique ville – Quero

and Quero variant. Key: CV-TO-00-170.

Province: Toledo
Year: 2004
Client: Community Borrad of Castilla La Mancha.



Detailed design: Motorway Ruta de la Plata N-630, from Gijón to Seville. Section: Badajoz

province limit – Venta del Alto. Subsection: El Ronquillo – Rivera de Huelva. Key: 12-SE-4300.

Province: Seville
Year: 2002
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: Motorway of Córdoba A-92. N-331 (A-45), from Córdoba to Málaga, Km.P. 108,0

to Km.P. 122,0. Subsection: Benamejí South – Antequera (A-92). Key: 12-MA-3710.

Province: Málaga
Year: 2002
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Alignment and detailed design: Motorway from the Cantábrico to the Meseta. Highway N-611

from Palencia to Santander (Km.P. 140 al Km. P. 120). Section: Reinosa (N) –Palencia province limit. Key: 12-S-4030.

Province: Cantabria
Year: 2002
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Detailed design: Highway M-305 variant in Aranjuez (North). Key: 2-N-136.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2002
Client: Community of Madrid. Department of Public Works, Urban Planning and Transport.



Detailed design: Motorway of Córdoba A-92, N-331, from Córdoba to Málaga.

Section: Montilla – Aguilar de la Frontera (N). Key: 12-CO-3860.

Province: Córdoba
Year: 2001
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads



Works Feasibility design of the extension of the Planetarium Avenue.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2001
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Works Feasibility design of the extension of the Atocha Avenue.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2001
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Detailed design: Boadilla del Monte Road (M-511) urban development,

From N-V to Municipal boundary.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2001
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Works Feasibility design of "El Parral" Principal Public Way, between Manuel Becerra

square and Bristol avenue.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2000
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Detailed design of the Pedro Rico Street urbanization.

Province: Madrid
Year: 2000
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Alignment and detailed design: N-630, Ruta de la Plata. Section: Gerena interchange – Camas

interchange. Key: 12-SE-3730.

Province: Seville
Year: 1999
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads

Alignment design of the Northwest Block General Systems for the City of Madrid.

They are part of this Agreement the following feasibility designs:

• Changing the direction of the Castilla road (M-500).

• Arroyo del Fresno road, from the extension of Ventisquero Countess Avenue to El Pardo – Fuencarral Highway.

• Pedro Rico street extension.

• North extension of Rosalía de Castro street to M-40.

• North extension of the Ventisquero Countess Avenue to M-40.

Province: Madrid
Year: 1999
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Alignment design of the Southwest Block General Systems for the City of Madrid.

They are part of this Agreement the following feasibility designs:

•Madrid to Villaverde road extension, from Andalucian avenue to Villalonso street.

•Boadilla del Monte road (M-511) extension, from the N-V to Municipal District limit.

•Barrio de la Fortuna road extension, from M-40 to Aviación avenue.

Province: Madrid
Year: 1999
Client: Madrid City Council Works and Infrastructure Area.

Detailed design and construction: Motorway Córdoba – A-92. N-331 highway from Córdoba to Málaga.

Section: Aguilar de la Frontera (N) – Aguilar de la Frontera (S). Aguilar de la Frontera variant.

Province: Córdoba
Year: 1999

Detailed design: Motorway Córdoba – A-92. N-331 highway from Córdoba to Málaga.

Section: Aguilar de la Frontera (N) – Aguilar de la Frontera (S). Aguilar de la Frontera variant.

Province: Córdoba
Year: 1999
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads

Detailed design. Highway refurbishment CM-3200 (Km. P. 0,000 to Km. P. 19,200).

Section: N-IV highway intersection (Almuradiel – Castellar de Santiago).

Province: Ciudad Real
Year: 1999
Client: Castilla - La Mancha Regional Government

Alignment design. Highway refurbishment Tarajalejo – Morro Jable.

Section: Barrio de Pecenescal – Barrio de Valluelo (Isla de Fuerteventura).

Province: Gran Canaria
Year: 1998
Client: Canarian islands goverment. Department of Works, Housing and Water.

Detailed design and construction: Motorway A-381. Section: Jerez de la Frontera – Alcalá de Los Gazules

Province: Cádiz
Year: 1997

Preliminary draft. Carriageway doubling, N-340 highway refurbishment and traffic study, from Cádiz and

Gibraltar to Barcelona. Section: Chiclana de la Frontera – Conil – Tarifa – Algeciras.

Province: Cádiz
Year: 1996
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads

Detailed design: Nules variant. N-340 highway from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona by Málaga.

Province: Castellón
Year: 1996
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads

Alignment and detailed design of the A-4 with N-4 connection in Jerez de la Frontera.

Province: Cádiz
Year: 1996
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. General Management of Roads

Detailed design: N-432 highway refurbishment from Badajoz to Granada (Km.P. 258,05 to Km.P. 263,00).

Section: Cerro Muriano - Córdoba.

Province: Córdoba
Year: 1996
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Alignment and detailed design of Albaida variant. N-340 from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona,

Km.P. 154,000 to Km.P. 161,000. Section: Adzaneta of Albaida to Palomar.

Province: Valencia
Year: 1995
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Traffic study for access and Elche ring performances.

Province: Alicante
Year: 1995
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Alignment and detailed design: Cantábrico Motorway. N-634 highway from San Sebastián to Santiago de Compostela.

Section: Lamadrid – Unquera.

Province: Cantabria
Year: 1995
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Alignment and detailed design. Rías Bajas Motorway. N-525 highway from Zamora to Santiago de Compostela.

Section: Estivadas – Alto de Allariz.

Province: Ourense
Year: 1994
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Planning and Programming Study of the actions included in the Image of State Network in the Horizon

of the Year 2007. Sector: North - South.

Province: Multiple
Year: 1993
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Detailed design. Local improvement: Ponferrada interchange.

Province: Leon
Year: 1993
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Preliminary draft: Elche Southern Ring motorway. Section: from AP-3061 to Ronda Carrús.

Province: Alicante
Year: 1993
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Detailed design. Access to Commercial Port from Puerto of Santa María Variant.

Province: Cadiz
Year: 1993
Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-322 from Córdoba to Valencia Km.P. 356 al Km.P. 347.

Section: Albacete Western ring road.

Province: Albacete
Year: 1993

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-332 from Almería to Valencia through Cartagena and Gata.

Section: San Javier and San Pedro del Pinatar variants.

Province: Murcia
Year: 1993
Client: LAIN

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-340 from Cádiz to Barcelona. Section: Puerto Lumbreras variant.

Province: Murcia
Year: 1993

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-432. Roadbed improvement and alignment alternative.

Section: Cuesta de Velillos – Pinos Puente.

Province: Granada
Year: 1993

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-630 from Gijón to Seville. Section: Béjar variant.

Province: Salamanca
Year: 1993

Detailed design and construction: Highway N-310 variant from Ciudad Real to Valencia, Km.P. 2,0 to Km.P. 15,0.

Section: Argamasilla de Alba - Tomelloso.

Province: Ciudad Real
Year: 1993

Vallès Occidental region Integrated Goods Urban development.

Province: Barcelona
Year: 1993
Client: Catalonia Government. Department of Planning and Public Works

Detailed design: Riera de Caldas Bridge.

Province: Barcelona
Year: 1993
Client: Catalonia Government. Department of Planning and Public Works

Detailed design and construction: N-432 refurbishment from Badajoz to Granada.

Section: Badajoz – Santa Marta de los Barros.

Province: Badajoz
Year: 1992

Preliminary draft: Ruta de la Plata Motorway. Section: Mérida – Zafra, Km.P. 625 to Km.P. 687.

Province: Badajoz
Year: 1992
Client: Ministry of Publics Works and Urban Development

Detailed design and construction: N-630 refurbishment from Gijón to Seville. Km.P. 133,000 to Km.P. 136,370

and Km.P. 137,330 to Km.P. 167,800. Section: Plasencia - Cañaveral.

Province: Caceres
Year: 1992

Detailed design and construction: CN-540 refurbishment from Lugo to Portugal through Orense.

Section: Chantada - Cambeo.

Province: Ourense
Year: 1992
Client: Construcciones Padrós S.A. y TRABIT

Detailed design and construction: N-630 refurbishment from Gijón to Sevilla, Km.P. 89,000 to Km.P. 109,947

and Km.P. 110,782 to Km.P. 124,900. Section: Baños de Montemayor - Plasencia.

Province: Cáceres
Year: 1992

Detailed design and construction: N-122 alternative alignment from Zaragoza to Portugal through Zamora.

Section: Zuzones - Vadocondes.

Province: Albacete
Year: 1992
Client: Construcciones Padrós S.A.

Detailed design and construction: Conection Highway between N-323 and N-321. Jaén Northwest variant.

Province: Jaén
Year: 1992
Client: Construcciones Padrós S.A. and MIPELSA

Detailed design and construction: N-640 and C-531 roadbed improvement from Lugo - Caldas - Villagarcía.

Section: Chapa - Caldas - Villagarcía.

Province: Ourense
Year: 1992
Client: Construcciones Padrós S.A.

Detailed design and construction: Variant for the suppression of crossing Villalba (Lugo) in N-634.

Province: Lugo
Year: 1992
Client: Construcciones Padrós S.A. y TRABIT

Detailed design of the B-140 variant.

Province: Barcelona
Year: 1992
Client: Catalonia Government. Department of Planning and Public Works

Detailed design and construction: M-40 Western Distributor. El Barrial interchange in A-6 to A-5 interchange

and South distributor. Section: Km.P. 0,000 to Km.P. 16,420 in Madrid.

Province: Madrid
Year: 1991

Detailed design and construction: Two carriageways variant, CN-340 from Cádiz to Barcelona. Km.P. 56,600

to 67,700. Section: Adra variant.

Province: Almeria
Year: 1991

Detailed design: Highway N-432 from Badajoz to Granada. Refurbishment. Km.P. 2,5 al 20,0 and Km.P. 25,0 to

40,5. Section: Badajoz – La Albuera (Norte) – La Albuera (Sur) – Santa Marta.

Province: Badajoz
Year: 1991
Client: Ministry of Public Works and Urban Development

Detailed design and construction: CN-620 from Burgos to Portugal through Salamanca. Section: Magaz - Venta de Baños.

Province: Palencia
Year: 1990