Detailed design services: Variant layout of the N-120 between the km points 655 to 667. Section: Porriño – Vigo. Key: 12-PO-4240. |
Province: Pontevedra |
Detailed design services: Motorway A-14, Lleida – French border. Section: Alcampell Road (Tamarite) A-1240 - Purroy de la Solana. Key: 12-HU-6170. |
Province: Huesca |
Alignment and detailed design: Adjustment connection of the N-340 with the North Port Access of Algeciras bay. Key: 41-CA-4220. |
Province: Cádiz |
Detailed design: South Motorway A-4 From Madrid to Cádiz. Duplicatión of N-IV, Km.P. 558,500 to Km.P. 566,500. Section: Dos Hermanas – Los Palacios y Villafranca. Key: 11-SE-4720. |
Province: Sevilla |
Detailed design: SE-40 Mortorway, Sector North - Northwest. Section: La Rinconada (North Access) – La Rinconada (A-4). Key: 48-SE-4590. |
Province: Sevilla
Detailed design: SE-40 Motorway East Sector. Section: Alcalá de Guadaira (A-376) - Dos Hermanas (A-4). Key: 48-SE-4470. |
Province: Sevilla
Alaigment and detailed design: Motorway Levante – Aragón – Somport. N-234, from Sagunto to Burgos. Km.P. 63,650 to Km.P. 83,500. Section: Castellón and Teruel province limit – Sarrión. Key: 12-TE-2750. |
Province: Teruel
Detailed design: Mediterráneo Motorway. N-340 from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona. Section: Carchuna - Castell de Ferro. Key: 12-GR-3650. |
Province: Granada
Feasability and detailed design: New highway CM-3911. Section: Don Fadrique ville – Quero and Quero variant. Key: CV-TO-00-170. |
Province: Toledo
Detailed design: Motorway Ruta de la Plata N-630, from Gijón to Seville. Section: Badajoz province limit – Venta del Alto. Subsection: El Ronquillo – Rivera de Huelva. Key: 12-SE-4300. |
Province: Seville
Detailed design: Motorway of Córdoba A-92. N-331 (A-45), from Córdoba to Málaga, Km.P. 108,0 to Km.P. 122,0. Subsection: Benamejí South – Antequera (A-92). Key: 12-MA-3710. |
Province: Málaga
Alignment and detailed design: Motorway from the Cantábrico to the Meseta. Highway N-611 from Palencia to Santander (Km.P. 140 al Km. P. 120). Section: Reinosa (N) –Palencia province limit. Key: 12-S-4030. |
Province: Cantabria
Detailed design: Highway M-305 variant in Aranjuez (North). Key: 2-N-136. |
Province: Madrid
Detailed design: Motorway of Córdoba A-92, N-331, from Córdoba to Málaga. Section: Montilla – Aguilar de la Frontera (N). Key: 12-CO-3860. |
Province: Córdoba
Works Feasibility design of the extension of the Planetarium Avenue. |
Province: Madrid
Works Feasibility design of the extension of the Atocha Avenue. |
Province: Madrid
Detailed design: Boadilla del Monte Road (M-511) urban development, From N-V to Municipal boundary. |
Province: Madrid
Works Feasibility design of "El Parral" Principal Public Way, between Manuel Becerra square and Bristol avenue. |
Province: Madrid
Detailed design of the Pedro Rico Street urbanization. |
Province: Madrid
Alignment and detailed design: N-630, Ruta de la Plata. Section: Gerena interchange – Camas interchange. Key: 12-SE-3730. |
Province: Seville
Alignment design of the Northwest Block General Systems for the City of Madrid. |
They are part of this Agreement the following feasibility designs: • Changing the direction of the Castilla road (M-500). • Arroyo del Fresno road, from the extension of Ventisquero Countess Avenue to El Pardo – Fuencarral Highway. • Pedro Rico street extension. • North extension of Rosalía de Castro street to M-40. • North extension of the Ventisquero Countess Avenue to M-40. Province: Madrid
Alignment design of the Southwest Block General Systems for the City of Madrid. |
They are part of this Agreement the following feasibility designs: •Madrid to Villaverde road extension, from Andalucian avenue to Villalonso street. •Boadilla del Monte road (M-511) extension, from the N-V to Municipal District limit. •Barrio de la Fortuna road extension, from M-40 to Aviación avenue. Province: Madrid
Detailed design and construction: Motorway Córdoba – A-92. N-331 highway from Córdoba to Málaga. Section: Aguilar de la Frontera (N) – Aguilar de la Frontera (S). Aguilar de la Frontera variant. |
Province: Córdoba
Detailed design: Motorway Córdoba – A-92. N-331 highway from Córdoba to Málaga. Section: Aguilar de la Frontera (N) – Aguilar de la Frontera (S). Aguilar de la Frontera variant. |
Province: Córdoba
Detailed design. Highway refurbishment CM-3200 (Km. P. 0,000 to Km. P. 19,200). Section: N-IV highway intersection (Almuradiel – Castellar de Santiago). |
Province: Ciudad Real
Alignment design. Highway refurbishment Tarajalejo – Morro Jable. Section: Barrio de Pecenescal – Barrio de Valluelo (Isla de Fuerteventura). |
Province: Gran Canaria
Detailed design and construction: Motorway A-381. Section: Jerez de la Frontera – Alcalá de Los Gazules |
Province: Cádiz
Preliminary draft. Carriageway doubling, N-340 highway refurbishment and traffic study, from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona. Section: Chiclana de la Frontera – Conil – Tarifa – Algeciras. |
Province: Cádiz
Detailed design: Nules variant. N-340 highway from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona by Málaga. |
Province: Castellón
Alignment and detailed design of the A-4 with N-4 connection in Jerez de la Frontera. |
Province: Cádiz
Detailed design: N-432 highway refurbishment from Badajoz to Granada (Km.P. 258,05 to Km.P. 263,00). Section: Cerro Muriano - Córdoba. |
Province: Córdoba
Alignment and detailed design of Albaida variant. N-340 from Cádiz and Gibraltar to Barcelona, Km.P. 154,000 to Km.P. 161,000. Section: Adzaneta of Albaida to Palomar. |
Province: Valencia
Traffic study for access and Elche ring performances. |
Province: Alicante
Alignment and detailed design: Cantábrico Motorway. N-634 highway from San Sebastián to Santiago de Compostela. Section: Lamadrid – Unquera. |
Province: Cantabria
Alignment and detailed design. Rías Bajas Motorway. N-525 highway from Zamora to Santiago de Compostela. Section: Estivadas – Alto de Allariz. |
Province: Ourense
Planning and Programming Study of the actions included in the Image of State Network in the Horizon of the Year 2007. Sector: North - South. |
Province: Multiple
Detailed design. Local improvement: Ponferrada interchange. |
Province: Leon
Preliminary draft: Elche Southern Ring motorway. Section: from AP-3061 to Ronda Carrús. |
Province: Alicante
Detailed design. Access to Commercial Port from Puerto of Santa María Variant. |
Province: Cadiz
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-322 from Córdoba to Valencia Km.P. 356 al Km.P. 347. Section: Albacete Western ring road. |
Province: Albacete
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-332 from Almería to Valencia through Cartagena and Gata. Section: San Javier and San Pedro del Pinatar variants. |
Province: Murcia
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-340 from Cádiz to Barcelona. Section: Puerto Lumbreras variant. |
Province: Murcia
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-432. Roadbed improvement and alignment alternative. Section: Cuesta de Velillos – Pinos Puente. |
Province: Granada
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-630 from Gijón to Seville. Section: Béjar variant. |
Province: Salamanca
Detailed design and construction: Highway N-310 variant from Ciudad Real to Valencia, Km.P. 2,0 to Km.P. 15,0. Section: Argamasilla de Alba - Tomelloso. |
Province: Ciudad Real
Vallès Occidental region Integrated Goods Urban development. |
Province: Barcelona
Detailed design: Riera de Caldas Bridge. |
Province: Barcelona
Detailed design and construction: N-432 refurbishment from Badajoz to Granada. Section: Badajoz – Santa Marta de los Barros. |
Province: Badajoz
Preliminary draft: Ruta de la Plata Motorway. Section: Mérida – Zafra, Km.P. 625 to Km.P. 687. |
Province: Badajoz
Detailed design and construction: N-630 refurbishment from Gijón to Seville. Km.P. 133,000 to Km.P. 136,370 and Km.P. 137,330 to Km.P. 167,800. Section: Plasencia - Cañaveral. |
Province: Caceres
Detailed design and construction: CN-540 refurbishment from Lugo to Portugal through Orense. Section: Chantada - Cambeo. |
Province: Ourense
Detailed design and construction: N-630 refurbishment from Gijón to Sevilla, Km.P. 89,000 to Km.P. 109,947 and Km.P. 110,782 to Km.P. 124,900. Section: Baños de Montemayor - Plasencia. |
Province: Cáceres
Detailed design and construction: N-122 alternative alignment from Zaragoza to Portugal through Zamora. Section: Zuzones - Vadocondes. |
Province: Albacete
Detailed design and construction: Conection Highway between N-323 and N-321. Jaén Northwest variant. |
Province: Jaén
Detailed design and construction: N-640 and C-531 roadbed improvement from Lugo - Caldas - Villagarcía. Section: Chapa - Caldas - Villagarcía. |
Province: Ourense
Detailed design and construction: Variant for the suppression of crossing Villalba (Lugo) in N-634. |
Province: Lugo
Detailed design of the B-140 variant. |
Province: Barcelona
Detailed design and construction: M-40 Western Distributor. El Barrial interchange in A-6 to A-5 interchange and South distributor. Section: Km.P. 0,000 to Km.P. 16,420 in Madrid. |
Province: Madrid
Detailed design and construction: Two carriageways variant, CN-340 from Cádiz to Barcelona. Km.P. 56,600 to 67,700. Section: Adra variant. |
Province: Almeria
Detailed design: Highway N-432 from Badajoz to Granada. Refurbishment. Km.P. 2,5 al 20,0 and Km.P. 25,0 to 40,5. Section: Badajoz – La Albuera (Norte) – La Albuera (Sur) – Santa Marta. |
Province: Badajoz
Detailed design and construction: CN-620 from Burgos to Portugal through Salamanca. Section: Magaz - Venta de Baños. |
Province: Palencia