Drafting of Operating Rules for the Riaño (Esla river), Juan Benet (Porma river), Barrios de Luna (Orbigo river), Villameca (Tuerto river), Linares del Arroyo (Riaza river) and San José (Duero river) dams.
Date: 2002
Client: Duero Hydrographic Confederation
Exploitation Regulations for the Quéntar, Canales, Cubillas and Colomera dams.
Country: Dominican Republic
Date: 2001
Client: Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation
Safety Inspection, Operating Rules, Technical File Actions and Emergency Plan for the Agrio dam.
Date: 2000
Client: Boliden-Apirsa
El Grado Dam Emergency Plan.
Date: 2000
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Mediano Dam Emergency Plan.
Date: 1999
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Assistance for the reform and modernization of the potable water and sanitation sector (ATN/SI-5962-DR) (Dominican Republic).
Date: 1999
Client: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Implementation of a Geographic Information System in the National Watershed Management Office.
Date: 1999
Client: National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI)
Territorial zoning analysis for the proposed classification of the Mora de Rubielos dam.
Date: 1999
Client: Fomento de Construcción y Contratas
Preparation of a proposal for the classification of dams in the Canary Islands Archipelago according to the potential risk of dam failure or incorrect operation.
Date: 1999
Client: Government of the Canary Islands. General Directorate of Water
Safety inspection of the Arenós dam.
Date: 1999
Client: Ferrovial
Preparation of a proposal for the classification of the Sevillana de Electricidad Company's dams according to the potential risk of their rupture.
Date: 1998
Client: Sevillana de Electricidad Company
Drafting of the Informative Study and proposal of actions regarding supply and sanitation of the Consorcio de la Zona Norte de Córdoba.
Date: 1998
Client: Junta de Andalucía. General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Corrective measures for pollution caused by the overflow of rainwater runoff in the Integral Sanitation System of the Community of Madrid.
Date: 1998
Client: Community of Madrid. Department of the Environment
Valdebebas II collector construction project and complementary works. Second Comprehensive Sanitation Plan of Madrid.
Date: 1997
Client: Madrid City Council
Construction project for the connection between the Rejas and Valdebebas wastewater treatment plants. Second Comprehensive Sanitation Plan of Madrid.
Date: 1997
Client: Madrid City Council
Operating Rules for the Borbollón and Rivera de Gata dams.
Date: 1997
Client: Tagus Hydrographic Confederation
Irueña Dam Construction Project.
Date: 1997
Client: Dragados and Constructions
Study of the hydraulic capacity of the Ebro River upstream of Zaragoza.
Date: 1997
Client: INECO
Application Research and Testing for Emergency Management Intelligent System (ARTEMIS)
Observation: Carried out in collaboration (Synconsult was responsible for the specific hydrological tasks).
Date: 1997
Client: European Commission. General Management XIII.
Preliminary study of a connection between the basins of the Tajo, Guadiana and Segura rivers for drinking water supply and supply to the National Park of Las Tablas de Daimiel.
Date: 1997
Client: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources between the Tajo and Segura river basins.
Date: 1997
Client: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Study of Certain Possibilities of increasing regulation in the Tagus Basin.
Date: 1997
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Technical Assistance for the operation of the Automatic Hydrological Information System (H.A.I.S.) for the Júcar River Basin network.
Date: 1997
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from the Tagus to the Guadalquivir river basin.
Date: 1996
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Urban development project for the Valdebebas stream (Madrid).
Date: 1996
Client: Madrid City Council
Drafting of Operating Rules for the Riaño, Porma, Barrios de Luna, Villameca, Linares del Arroyo and San José dams.
Date: 1996
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources between the North and Duero basins to the Southeast of Spain.
Date: 1996
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Supply System of the Western Costa del Sol. Guadalmansa- Guadalmina- Guadaiza water transfer construction project. Guadalmansa and Guadalmina dams.
Date: 1996
Client: Southern Hydrographic Confederation
Project and Work Competition: Casrama Water Supply Pipeline with resources from the Manzanares River.
Date: 1995
Client: Huarte S.A.
Project and Works Competition: E.D.A.R. Project and outfall of La Albufera.
Date: 1995
Client: PACSA
Storm water collectors project in El Ejido (Almería).
Date: 1995
Client: Junta de Andalucía. General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Rules for the operation of the Riaño dam during floods and analysis of its drainage system.
Date: 1995
Client: Duero Hydrographic Confederation
Guadalete - Barbate Hydrological Plan.
Date: 1995
Client: Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation
Preliminary Feasibility Study of certain uses to be considered in the Hydrological Plan of the Northern and Duero River Basins.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Study of Certain Possibilities of increasing regulation in the Tagus Basin (several provinces).
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from the Jarama to the Bolarque reservoir.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources between the Northern and Ebro basins.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from the Jarama to La Bujeda reservoir.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from the Tajo-Segura Aqueduct to the Guadalquivir.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from the Tagus to the Guadiana basin.
Date: 1995
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources from Júcar to Vinalopó.
Date: 1994
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Feasibility analysis of the transfer of hydraulic resources between the Duero river basin and the headwaters of the Tagus.
Date: 1994
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Construction of gauging stations in the Pozuelo, La Zarzuela, Butarque, Ramal de Butarque and Prado del Rey-Somosaguas collectors. Madrid Sanitation Network.
Date: 1994
Client: Madrid City Council
Drafting of the Guadalquivir Hydrological Plan Proposal (Seville).
Date: 1994
Client: Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation
Implementation of the S.A.I.H. Project of the Eastern Pyrenees Hydrographic Basin.
Date: 1994
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Support Studies for the Drafting of the National Hydrological Plan. Scenario Analysis.
Date: 1994
Client: Madrid City Council
Picada-Valmayor pipeline construction project. Emergency supply to Madrid.
Date: 1993
Client: Tagus Hydrographic Confederation
Study of alternatives and proposal for action on sanitation and purification of the western part of the Bay of Algeciras.
Date: 1993
Client: Junta de Andalucía. Planning and Programming Service
Integrated Water Quality Network Project (I.C.A. Network) in the Guadalquivir river basin.
Date: 1993
Client: Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation
Support Studies for the Drafting of the National Hydrological Plan. Proposed actions.
Date: 1993
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Telephony Network in the Eastern Pyrenees.
Date: 1993
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Study of Data Use of the S.A.I.H. of the Júcar Basin.
Date: 1993
Client: Jucar Hydrographic Confederation
Support Studies for the Drafting of the National Hydrological Plan. Memory.
Date: 1992
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Project and Works Competition: Design and execution of the works for the Plasencia Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Date: 1992
Client: Padrós Constructions
Study of the Resource Exploitation Systems of the Tajo River Basin.
Date: 1992
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Canasmoro Dam Construction Project for the agricultural development of the Upper Guadalquivir River Basin (Tarija - Bolivia).
Date: 1992
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Sella Dam Construction Project for the agricultural development of the Upper Guadalquivir River Basin (Tarija - Bolivia).
Date: 1992
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Pozo de los Ramos Dam Construction Project (Guadalajara).
Date: 1992
Client: Canal de Isabel II
Drafting of the General Technical Specifications for Hydraulic Works.
Date: 1992
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Study of the Resource Exploitation Systems of the Tajo River Basin.
Date: 1992
Client: Tagus Hydrographic Confederation
Project to complement the flow of water to the Camp de Morvedre. Turia - Sagunto (Valencia).
Date: 1992
Client: Construction Company
Study of Water Resources in the Ebro Basin (Collaboration). Date: 1992
Date: 1992
Client: Construction Company
Construction Project of the Rambla del Boquerón Dam (Hellín, Albacete).
Date: 1991
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Construction Project of the Rambla de los Charcos Dam (Albacete).
Date: 1991
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Segura River Bank Recovery Project. Section: Rincón de Beniscornia - Murcia.
Date: 1991
Client: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Study of the drainage capacity of the Segura river between the Contraparada and its confluence at the Requesón.
Date: 1991
Client: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Study of the drainage capacity of the Esla river downstream from the Riaño dam to the confluence of the Porma river.
Date: 1991
Client: Duero Hydrographic Confederation
Automatic Hydrological Information System of the Eastern Pyrenees network. Modified Project, in the chapters related to Hydraulics and Civil Works.
Date: 1990
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Automatic Hydrological Information System for the Segura River Basin network.
Date: 1990
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Construction Project for the channeling of the Segura River between Murcia and Beniel.
Date: 1990
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Construction project for the channeling of the Segura river between the Benejúzar bridge and Rojales.
Date: 1989
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Construction Project for the channeling of the Segura River between Contraparada and Murcia.
Date: 1989
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Analysis of the design flow of the Segura river channeling.
Date: 1989
Client: Segura Hydrographic Confederation
Automatic Hydrological Information System for the Jucar River Basin network.
Date: 1989
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Automatic Hydrological Information System for the Southern Spain Basin network.
Date: 1989
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Documentación Básica de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Tajo (In collaboration).
Date: 1989
Client: Tagus Hydrographic Confederation
Documentación Básica de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Ebro (In collaboration).
Date: 1989
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Documentación Básica de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Norte (In collaboration).
Date: 1989
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Characterization Study of Receiving Areas and Rapid Transport Systems in the Júcar River Basin.
Date: 1989
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Floods and Impacts of the Júcar River Basin.
Date: 1989
Client: Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Drafting of the Manual for the Evaluation of Hydrological Information Systems Projects.
Date: 1989
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Castronuño Canal Regulation Study.
Date: 1989
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Document XYZT of the Cáceres, Borbollón and Portaje dams.
Date: 1988
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Risk and Disaster Study. Floods in Peninsular Spain. Synthesis Report.
Date: 1988
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Hydraulic Master Plan. Main Report. Upper Guadalquivir River Basin (Bolivia).
Date: 1988
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
National Hydrological Plan. Draft Guidelines.
Date: 1989
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Northern Spain Basin. Actions to prevent and reduce damages caused by floods.
Date: 1987
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Northern Spain Basin. Historical flooding and potential risk map.
Date: 1987
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Agricultural Development Project in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Irrigated Agricultural Development Project (Aguayrenda, Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Study for the Determination of Surface Water Resources in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Erosion and Sedimentation Study in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Study of Dam Alternatives in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Study of Alternatives for Canal Networks in the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia).
Date: 1987
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)
Drafting of the Hydrological Plan of the Canary Islands Archipelago. Canary Islands Water 2000 Project.
Date: 1987
Client: Ministry of Public Works of the Government of the Canary Islands
Determination of the Balance of Previous Studies and General Methodological Bases for Hydraulic Planning.
Date: 1986
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Prefeasibility Study of the Hydraulic Resources of Charco Sur (Bolivia).
Date: 1986
Client: Corporación de Desarrollo de Tarija (Bolivia)
Automatic Hydrological Information System for the Ebro Basin network (bid evaluation and execution supervision phase).
Date: 1985
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works
Automatic Hydrological Information System for the Southern Basin network (bid evaluation and execution supervision phase).
Date: 1985
Client: General Directorate of Hydraulic Works