Studies and projects of hydraulic works

Synconsult S.L. has accredited a permanent effort to update and develop all those aspects focused on the solution of water problems and hydraulic works, both in terms of planning and management and including, of course, the detailed development of specific projects and the supervision of the construction of the corresponding works.

The importance of water in human and social development justifies the adoption of a broad, multidisciplinary and solvent approach to establish temporary strategies regarding its use, which are typical of planning studies. In this sense, Synconsult’s economic feasibility studies, planning and audits on hydrological and hydraulic aspects, water resources, floods, droughts, dam safety, etc., are the most important ones. S.L. has made, constitute basic components of its professional history.

Work related to hydrological planning such as obtaining the Basic Documentation for the Management of Basins and the Drafting of Hydrological Plans both at Basin level (Guadalquivir Basin, Guadalete-Barbate, etc.) and at National level (Participation in the drafting of the Report on the National Hydrological Plan), are part of the company’s outstanding track record.

Furthermore, in the management of hydraulic works and, especially, in the application of telematics in this respect, Synconsult S.L. has been a pioneer in projects such as the Implementation of the
Automatic Hydrological Information System (H.A.I.S.) in the Jucar Basin.
in the Júcar River Basin. This application prevents flood phenomena and facilitates the joint management of available hydraulic resources. In addition, Synconsult S.L. was in charge of the operation of this system for several years, as well as the development of the necessary applications to facilitate the daily monitoring of water resources in extreme situations and to implement the necessary early warning mechanisms in case of floods.

The following have also been drafted
Dam Operation Standards,
belonging to the Hydrographic Basins of the Tajo, Duero and Guadalquivir.

On the other hand, gathering the wide experience of the professionals of the sector, as well as of the Consultant’s technicians, Synconsult S.L. has drafted the following documents
The “Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales de Obras Hidráulicas” (P.T.G.O.H.).

In the international field, Synconsult S.L. has participated in projects such as “The Implementation of a Geographic Information System in the Watershed Management Office” of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, in the Dominican Republic, or the “Drafting of the Hydraulic Master Plan of the Upper Basin of the Guadalquivir River (Bolivia)”, commissioned by the World Food Organization (F.A.O.).

Of course, also part of the company’s experience, and no less important for that reason, are works that can be considered as conventional, such as dam projects, river channeling, canals and pipelines, water supply and sanitation, irrigation, power plants and impulsions, etc. For the intervention of Synconsult S.L. in the Segura River channeling sections, it was awarded the Accésit of the Puente de Alcántara International Award in 1994.