Consultancy and Assistance for the Management of Expropriation Procedures in the Demarcation of State Roads in Western Andalusia (File: P 7/03).

Date: 2003
Client: Ministry of Public Works. General Directorate of Roads
Expropriation of the following roads:

Province of Cádiz

  • Duplication of the Chiclana Bypass. Key: 12-CA-3700 (nº of properties: 31)
  • CN-340. Section: Chiclana de la Frontera – Conil de la Frontera. Key: 12-CA-3710 (No. of properties: 133)
  • CN-340. Section: Conil – Vejer. Key: 12-CA-3770 (nº of properties: 58)
  • Remodeling link. Overpass Chiclana Bypass. Key: 12-CA-2910 (No. of properties: 19)
  • Guadalcacín – Nueva Jarilla link. Jerez de la Frontera. Key: 12-CA-3930 (nº of properties: 5)
  • La Lobita CN-340 overpass. Conil de la Frontera, Key: 38-CA-3230 (nº of properties: 43)
  • Remodeling of El Pelayo underpass. Key: 39-CA-3270 (nº of properties: 28)
  • CN-340. Rearrangement of accesses in Colorado. Conil de la Frontera. Key: 39-CA-3690 (nº of properties: 26)
  • New access to Cadiz. Key: 40-CA-4040 (nº of properties: 70)
  • Access to the commercial port of El Puerto de Santa María. Key: 41-CA-2870 (nº of properties: 10)
  • Puerto Real – Tres Caminos. Key: 47-CA-3420 (nº of properties: 32)
  • Puerto Real variant. Key: 47-CA-3570 (nº of properties: 9)
  • CN-340 highway. Section: Vejer – Algeciras. No key (no. of farms: 500)

Province of Córdoba

  • Encinas Reales variant. Key: 12-CO-4000 (nº of properties: 162)
  • Lucena (S) – Encinas Reales (N). Key: 12-CO-4010 (No. of properties: 113)
  • Encinas Reales – Benamejí. Key: 12-CO-4020 (No. of properties: 230)
  • Cordoba – Antequera highway connection with N-331 south of Aguilar de la Frontera. Key: 12-CO-5130 (No. of properties: 44)
  • Cerro Muriano – Córdoba. Key: 33-CO-2990 (nº of properties: 16)
  • Variant of Santa Eufemia. Key: 23-CO-3120 (No. of properties: 184)
  • El Viso variant. Key: 23-CO-3380 (nº of properties: 157)
  • Variant of Alcaraceños. Key: 23-CO-3410 (nº of properties: 119)
  • Baena variant. Key: 23-CO-3440 (nº of properties: 163)
  • Collector road and third lane. N-IV. K.P. 399 – 403. Key: 33-CO-3830 (No. of properties: 25)
  • Access to Cordoba airport. Key: 42-CO-2830 (No. of properties: 98)
  • Cordoba west variant. Code: 43-CO-4080. (nº of farms: 150)
  • Ac. junction and route variant in Ronda Sureste de Córdoba. Key: 49-CO-3720 (No. of properties: 14)

Province of Huelva

  • Infrastructure of the A-49 service area, Seville – Huelva. Key: 01-H-0304 (nº of properties: 2)
  • A-49 highway. San Juan del Puerto – Aljaraque junction. Key: 12-H-2640 (number of properties: 275)
  • A-49 highway. Lepe (O) – Ayamonte International Bridge. Key: 12-H-2660 (nº of properties: 50)
  • La Plata Highway. Section: L.P. – Santa Olalla de Calas (N). Key: 12-H-3310 (nº of properties: 58)
  • Works comp. San Juan de Puerto – Ayamonte. Key: 19-H-3670 (No. of properties: 20)
  • Higuera de la Sierra variant. Key: 23-H-2860 (No. of properties: 25)
  • Road duplication Rio Tinto – Inters. H-650. N-442. Key: 41-H-2400 (No. of properties: 110)
  • Beas and Trigueros variant. (nº of farms: 120)
  • Zalamea La Real variant. (nº of properties: 60)

Province of Seville

  • La Plata Highway. Section: El Ronquillo (N) – Rivera de Huelva (No. of properties: 54)
  • La Plata Highway. Section: Rivera de Huelva – Venta del Alto. Key: 12-SE-4310 (No. of properties: 29)
  • A-49. Improved linkage and drainage. Section: Pilas -Carrión. Key: 39-SE-4060 (No. of properties: 21)
  • Remodeling of SE-30 junction and Reina Sofía bridge. Key: 39-SE-4080 (nº of properties: 6)
  • N-IV. Guadalema de los Quinteros link. Key: 39-SE-4190 (nº of properties: 4)
  • Fourth ring road around the metropolitan area. Seville. SE-40. (number of farms: 500)
  • Seville Highway (N-630) – Portuguese border. (number of farms: 500)