Quality audit

The activity of Synconsult S.L. in the field of audits is focused on quality control of construction works. These consist of monitoring both the works themselves and the companies involved in them to ensure the level of quality required by the Promoter.
The first requirement for the proper functioning of a work consists of examining and validating the quality procedures of both the Constructor and possible subcontractors, as well as the rest of the teams involved in the development of the work (testing laboratories, Technical Assistance to the Project Management, Environmental Supervisors, etc.). This quality requirement also extends to the necessary material means, machinery and site facilities.
Subsequently, as the work progresses, the effective compliance with the quality control procedures implemented in each of the aforementioned aspects must be dynamically monitored.
Another relevant aspect of the audits is the control of the execution and completion of the different elements of the work. This control is both quantitative and qualitative and includes geometric controls and contrast laboratory tests, for which Synconsult S.L. has its own laboratory with the instruments to carry out the necessary tests.
These activities are reflected in the various reports that are periodically generated covering the aforementioned aspects and whose addressee is the Works Promotion Agency.
The wide technical experience of the professionals that make up the Synconsult S.L. staff in specialized areas (geotechnics, structures, tunnels, hydrology, etc.) allows the appropriate advice to solve the problems that may arise in an efficient and immediate way, avoiding delays in the program foreseen for the execution of the work.